Monday, August 3, 2009

New Book - Economic Misery and Crime Waves (released)

Economic Misery and Crime Waves: the second great depression and the coming crime wave, and what we can do about itFor immediate release. Just out, the long awaited book published by Sikyur Publications, authored by Severin L. Sorensen, CPP, titled, Economic Misery and Crime Waves: the second great depression and coming crime wave, and what we can do about it. The publication is available online at and online bookstores for $17.95 in paperback; a hardcover library edition is forthcoming. To order the publication online at Amazon click through the following link:

At a time when politicos would have the public believe that we are in the midst of an economic recovery our our deep recession, comes the telling tale of economic misery yet to be evidenced globally in this economic downturn. Make no mistake, we are not out of the woods in this economic recovery and joblessness will continue for many more seasons.

The book Economic Misery and Crime Waves will be useful to anyone wanting more information on the crimes waves of decades past including the Great Depression from 1929-42 and the deep economic recession of 1974, and other sharp economic contractions.

The author examines the past for clues on how to best address the coming crime wave, and provides guidance for goverments, businesses, communities, and families on how to prepare now to curb what shall surely be a blow to the economic recovery of nations if the conditions of economic misery are not abated soon.